Sunday 19 April 2009

Day Eight - Living in a Homeless Shelter

Sunday, 19th April 2009

The children have Steve up at 7am this morning, but he lets me sleep until 9am, when the children come and jump on me to get up, I am awake anyway. The children are already, dressed and have had breakfast which is lovely. Steve is great!

Today Steve is taking the children to do the food shopping so I can do some study and a work-out in peace. Steve always tries to give me some time to myself when he is around, as I am with the children all week and get up to them in the night, obviously as he is at work.

The Shelter is quite again today. There is one lady outside with her little boy, who is the same age as Casey and they play together when he is around. Our neighbour who shares our facilities is in this morning, she works very hard and is hardly at home and today is no exception. She is rushing around doing the laundry so she can go to her Caravan in Claction.

We have a 24 hour laundry on site which you get tokens from the office for. We use this every now and then but very rarely.

During the afternoon Steve took the children for a work in the forest so I can get some study done, but they all come back very excited as they had found a brand new bike dumped in a pond we off we all went to retrieve it so Steve and children could do it up. It keeps them busy!!!

The rest of the day when by unnoticed really the children played outside with the others and runsacked our living room, which means more work.

After dinner, it was time for baths and bed, back to school tomorrow, yippee!!!! Once they were tucked up in bed we cleaned up, washed floors and ten spent 2 hours playing on the WII, we are officially obsessed, especially with the Ski Slalom, best times 24 secs and 26 secs for me.

We finally pulled ourselves away and watched CSI NY on the internet, the great thing about not having TV is we definitely have more quality time together and when do watch something we are way ahead of anyone else in the UK as we watch US. We have just watched Past, Present and Murder whereas in the UK Danny and Lindsay are not even married yet!

See ya tomorrow!!!