Thursday 1 October 2009

The end of a our stay in a Homeless Shelter

Hi Everyone

Just a quick update. My husband and I have been very busy later, we won our first bid on a property back at the beginning of August and at the end of the month moved in to a lovely brand new 3 Semi Detached property in Loughton in Essex.

The house is lovely, although we have no carpets, curtains etc it does not matter, its ours and they will come in time.

The children are settled and my daughter has changed schools and is very happy.

We finally had something good happen to us. My carpel tunnel has started to settle us I have now lost 2 1/2 stones (35lbs) and its made such a different. Still going with the weight loss though, only half way there, but I will succeed.

Steve is working very long hours and I have started delivering leaflets to make some extra money. I am desperate to find work which allows me to work at home as its impossible for me to take on full employment of the home with the children and my husband shifts, so any genuine suggestions would be appreciated.

We went on holiday at the end of the month to Ibiza and had a lovely time. Taylor is still doing Gymnastics and is now training 4 hours a week, she is very dedicated.

Our time in the homeless shelter will never be forgotten, I think we also learnt alot and now appreciate the smaller things in life. I am no so careless with money and ensure we have enough money for the bills, food and essentials and if there is not enough for anything else, so be it! Never take anything for granted because you never know what is round the corner and it can be gone as quick as you get it!

Sadly our appreciation for the UK has declined, the working class of this country are worse off than people on the social and it is disgusting. Even now 3 families opposite us are on the social they have moved in at the weekend with very nice cars, taking out their new plasma TV from the boxes and Blu-ray. We will never be able to afford such luxuries!

But we are very happy and we have each other and we are a very happy family unit, as long as we can afford to live and have the things we need and a holiday we are happy.

We have only one vehicle now which my husband needs for work, so we gave the van back to my mum and I walk everywhere, so its good for your health and the children love exploring which they could not do before.

So has one chapter in our lives ends another begins, what the future begins us we don't know, but we have gone all the way down so there is only one way now and thats up, because I am never going back there again!

I will keep you posted and will update again soon