Tuesday 26 January 2010

Six months on!!

So six months on and 2010 is finally hear! As one door closes another opens and it can only get better, things can never be as bad as last year.

Yippee, we finally have wooden floor down stairs and curtains throughout, but still saving for carpets upstairs, we will get there!

Our little boy turned 3 last week and started Nursery yesterday and he loves it! Casey we thought had really suffered due to everything we had been through. We have not had the money to give him the start in life Taylor had, but we were wrong. He settled straight into Nursery and did not want to come home. We are very proud of him!

I have now lost 3 1/2 stone and still delivering leaflets, but it helping with my weight lost, I feel great and determine to lose the other 1 1/2 stone down to my target weight of 9st 11lbs!! Don't care how long it takes I will get there.

We had a wonderful Christmas at home and Steve worked really hard so we could afford to spoil the children this year. Taylor got a floor beam, for her gymnastics and loads more and Casey a Fireman Sam Ride-On etc which he adores.

Still trying to find work which we help us out and we are still hoping to meet our dream of leaving the UK and starting a new life in Australia. We have 9 years until it would be too late, but we are determine to succeed. If you want something bad enough you will succeed and we will succeed!

Hope everyone is well and I will post a gain shortly.

Thursday 1 October 2009

The end of a our stay in a Homeless Shelter

Hi Everyone

Just a quick update. My husband and I have been very busy later, we won our first bid on a property back at the beginning of August and at the end of the month moved in to a lovely brand new 3 Semi Detached property in Loughton in Essex.

The house is lovely, although we have no carpets, curtains etc it does not matter, its ours and they will come in time.

The children are settled and my daughter has changed schools and is very happy.

We finally had something good happen to us. My carpel tunnel has started to settle us I have now lost 2 1/2 stones (35lbs) and its made such a different. Still going with the weight loss though, only half way there, but I will succeed.

Steve is working very long hours and I have started delivering leaflets to make some extra money. I am desperate to find work which allows me to work at home as its impossible for me to take on full employment of the home with the children and my husband shifts, so any genuine suggestions would be appreciated.

We went on holiday at the end of the month to Ibiza and had a lovely time. Taylor is still doing Gymnastics and is now training 4 hours a week, she is very dedicated.

Our time in the homeless shelter will never be forgotten, I think we also learnt alot and now appreciate the smaller things in life. I am no so careless with money and ensure we have enough money for the bills, food and essentials and if there is not enough for anything else, so be it! Never take anything for granted because you never know what is round the corner and it can be gone as quick as you get it!

Sadly our appreciation for the UK has declined, the working class of this country are worse off than people on the social and it is disgusting. Even now 3 families opposite us are on the social they have moved in at the weekend with very nice cars, taking out their new plasma TV from the boxes and Blu-ray. We will never be able to afford such luxuries!

But we are very happy and we have each other and we are a very happy family unit, as long as we can afford to live and have the things we need and a holiday we are happy.

We have only one vehicle now which my husband needs for work, so we gave the van back to my mum and I walk everywhere, so its good for your health and the children love exploring which they could not do before.

So has one chapter in our lives ends another begins, what the future begins us we don't know, but we have gone all the way down so there is only one way now and thats up, because I am never going back there again!

I will keep you posted and will update again soon

Tuesday 7 July 2009

God knows how many days it has been now

Hi Everyone

Sorry I haven't written for a little while, I have Carpel Tunnel and awaiting surgery, but they are feeling good at the moment.

So I will start with an update.

We are still in the Homeless Shelter and have been now for 41/2 months, but next week, 7/17/09 we can start bidding, so fingers crossed.

A lot has happened since I last posted. Quick recap of the last weeks: -

  • My daughter, Taylor turned 5 years old and my husband had his 35th birthday
  • I went on an Internet Marketing Course, thanks to the Simon Coulson, a UK Internet Entreprenuer who gave me a free place, which was very interesting
  • I have joined a Slimming Club and have lost 14lbs in 4 weeks and still determined (not sure of the kilos conversion)
  • The family with 4 children have now moved out, as of today, so it will be quiet around here
The weather has been gorgeous here in the UK and we have taken advantage of having the forest behind us and taken the children on long walks and pinic which is great for family time (and weight lose!!!).

Finally got myself some work at home, 2 projects - one is to update a website for one of the father's who attend the gym to bring in more traffic to his site and the other is for someone who use to live in the Shelter and visits on a regular basis. He is just starting to sell an ebook on how to bring in different income sources, which is something he learnt after leaving the shelter and is now very wealthy. He has asked me to produce the Sales Letter, Website and develop the email to be sent to all his current customers for other products he sales and has offered me a percentage of the sales for managing it all for him. So very determined to make both of them to work.

Still looking at migrating to Australia, but it will be harder for us now Steve is 35, but we can still get State Sponsorship. So things are looking up and we will succeed.

Today we helped the family who have just moved out finish off before going off to their new home, we wish them all the best and hope things work out. They were in here for a total of 8 months. Thankfully, we may be out sooner.

Still have no TV, but we are watching loads of DVDs and TV on the internet. Because I don't get a paper normally, we didn't even know that Michael Jackson had died until the Saturday, how sad is that!!! We are a bit of the loop really!

But now I make a point on checking the news online and since his death brought a paper daily to keep as part of marking history. It is something I have done for years and have newspapers from all over world relating to historical moments. Thankfully when we had the fire, things like these were packed away securely and were not damaged. But when I got them all back, the Company had specially sealed every newspaper for me, so they will never lose there colour. Must of cost a fortunate, hopefully I can do this with my newer copies in the future.

I am going to go now, this was just quick update and will start posting again tomorrow properly.

See ya tomorrow.

Thursday 7 May 2009

Sorry I haven't posted for a while, but I have to rest my wrist due to Carpel Tunnel and hopefully will pick up again shortly.



Saturday 25 April 2009

Day 14 Diary - Living in a Homeless Shelter

Saturday, 25th April 2009

Last we all got a wonderful night's sleep, Casey still woke up and came in with us and I ended up on the edge of the mattress being squeezed by Casey, but that is doable! Steve was working today and for the first time in a long while I did not even hear him go!

Up today at 8am as we have to be at Gymnastics today so yet again we are in a rush as they children need baths before we leave. All out the door at 9.25am, sign in before I leave and off we go!

I do try and stay and watch her at Gymnastics but today I walk Casey over the market to get the fruit and veg whilst she is in Gymnastics and then go back to watch the last 45 mins. Today they are doing handstands on the bar and general walking, kicks, dips etc on the beam followed by rope climbing for strength building. Taylor may only be tiny, but she was the only one who got to the top and range the bell, I am very proud of her!

Steve's finishing later than he thought so after Gymnastics we have to take him some lunch as he has forgotten his wallet. On the journey, Taylor decides she wants to know what my name will be when I get bigger and marry again. No matter how I try to tell her that I will not grow any bigger and I have no intentions of marrying anyone else as I am married to dad and very happy, she thinks I will! How to they come up with these concepts in their little minds.

We finally make it to Steve's work and the children have a tour of the factory and Steve shows them how the machine works. This is a regular occurence every time we go to Steve's work, but the children love it.

They get upset when we have to leave because they want to stay and watch, but Steve is busy and its not possible and safe enough for them.

The factory is full high with paper and jobs already completed for the Dorchester Hotel, Steve has been working on their new menu, its differently an eye opener. Until 4 years ago we use to have the staff christmas party at the Dorchester Hotel in London. The Hotel use to pay for everything as a thank you for all the work done and we use have a limosene takes us up, followed by a dinner and dance and a stay overnight, it was real treat! But some of the older staff did not what to do it no more so things changed.

It was really nice to be treated to something like that, when in normally circumstances you would not get the chance to stay there, but at least Steve and I went for 6 years before things changed.

Back at the Shelter and Casey is asleep, so I take all the shopping in and Taylor goes off to play, I get Casey out very carefullyin the hope that he will stay asleep and I can have a couple of hours to myself, but not my luck he is awake and bouncing round like Tigger!! So he goes off to play as well, but Taylor and the gang have gone in the forest and Casey is not going, I don't really like Taylor going, but I can see her, but Casey is way too young!

Taylor and the gang are building a treehouse and I don't see her for most of the afternoon, but I play outside with Casey and play ball and speak to the other resident. The family of six still have not decided what to do, they are going to phone on money to see if the property is on the list for a refurbishment as it is in desperate need of work before they decide.

The children Taylor plays with have just come and out of the forest as they are off to the nan's and only one of them are dressed, one is in her pyjamas and t-shirt and the other in a all-in-one leotard and dressing gown. I could never let my children out dressed like, but to make things worst they then leave to go to their nan's and they don't get changed, thats how they go dressed! Don't figure with me any how!

Steve is home at 4.45pm and I do dinner, then its the normal regime, dinner, bed and baths. Steve and I play on the WII and watch some TV and off to bed, Steve is knackered!

See ya tomorrow!

Friday 24 April 2009

Day 13 - Living in a Homeless Shelter

Friday, 24th April 2009

Last night was less eventful compared to others, but still exhausted.

Still exhausted, but up on time todayand out the door with plenty of time for school, thank godness, I hate being late anywhere!

So, again today I have very little to do, Steve has no petrol so need to take some money to his work. Firstly, off to my mum's to deliver a parcel I collected for her yesterday and had a long chat with her neighbour.

My mum and dad have lived in their house for 25 years and their neighbour moved there when the houses were first built in the late 70s, so I have grown up with them. They have one son the same age as me who still lives at home! In the UK it is almost impossible to set up home on your home now and the majority of sibling are now choosing to live at home.

Jean and Bob are great and have been very supportive to me through everything, Jean has been shoulder to cry on over the last couple of years. Because they have no grandchildren of their own they idolise Taylor and Casey and this morning was no different when she see Casey.

Off to Steve work. Steve works in Hertford, Hertfordshire which is a historical town and he is 4/5 Colour printer and produces work for large organisations such Marks and Spencers and some of the top Hotels in London i.e. Dorchester, Hilton etc. He loves his job and his dad was in the print trade as well.

Casey gets very upset when he sees Steve and wants to stay with him, but Steve was not finishing work until 11.30am and the factory was very busy as they have some important jobs going out this weekend. On a friday Steve only works a 5.5 hours as he works a 37.5 week and the rest of the week is an 8 hour shift.

As there is no overtime today, Steve is home by 1215. Casey and I are playing football in the small park so he can see Daddy come home and everytime he sees a little red van he goes crazy. Steve finally gets home and Casey runs up to him kicking his ball wanting him to play football. Mummy isn't good enough when Daddy is around, when footbal is concerned. That is how it should be!

Off for lunch, feeling a little better today and have arranged to take my jewellery in next week. Steve is working tomorrow, which is a relief as it makes such a difference to us, so I will be doing Gymnastics etc on my own which can be a nightmare with Casey, but never mind!

After lunch, sit outside talking to the family across the way, the weather is gorgeous again today so quite a few people are out and about. The staff are helping new family who have just moved into a chalet down from us. They take the time to stop and talk with us and discuss the major topic of the day, should this family bid for the only 3 bed available this week, which is in need of alot of work and quite isolated if you only have one car.

The only problem with not bidding is, this is the first week when there has not been many 3 beds and recently there has been a surge of 3 beds which could indicate a dry spell ahead. This is what the staff were explaining to us. Which when you only have 2 months of bid before the Council make direct bid on your behalf its difficult to call.

Again they go off for another look and come back more confused. Bidding closes next wednesday so they have some time to decide, but they have a good chance of winning the bid, so they need to be sure!

Steve and Casey goes off to pick Taylor up from School and I have a lay down, I must have been out for the count, because Steve had to get some bits in Tescos and could not remember them all and rang me 15 times, did not hear a thing!

Up at 5pm, dinner, so more time out playing for the children whilst we tidy up and then its bathtime. Casey in first, so Taylor can play with her friends on her own and because he is very tired, but HeadLice is discovered, so off to Tescos for me to get the shampoo and the children are treated immediately which meant they did not go to bed until 9pm.

Steve plays on the WII (got new batteries) Fit whilst I write this blog and check my emails.

Off now to play on the WII before going to bed.

See ya tomorrow!

Day 12 - LIfe in a Homeless Shelter

Thursday, 23rd April 2009

Sorry for not posting earlier, but my PC went down yesterday.

Casey was a complete nightmare last night, all in all I got about 4 hours sleep, so I am exhausted.

When it came to getting up for school he was out for the count, could I wake him, of course not!

Again we are running late for school and make it just in time. Have few things to do today, but nothing much. Off to my mums to bring the children's drink cups up, then go a pick up a parcel up, petrol, which costs £40 for just one week and the Chancellor put another 2p on the cost yesterday, which means its approx 94.9p per litre. So with the cost of our petrol we also run an old van which is £30 a week. The cost of running the two vehicles is crippling us financially.

Other people in the Shelter who are on benefits get cabs laid on my by the social doesn't figure, does it!

By the time I've been to Tescos, Casey falls asleep in the car and sleeps for 2 hours. Giving me some time to do some bits and my WII workout before Dave arrives.

Dave is determined to beat Steve at the Ski Jumping now, the highest score at present on this is 330metres, but by the time Dave has gone home he is Jumping 400metres.

Today I have been feeling really down, with the budget putting everything up to ridculous price it means we are going to be even more worst off. Although the Chancellor has robbed from the rich to help the poor, it does not help us out. And who gives him the right to take 50% of everything someone earns over £150,000 just because they have messed up the country's finances. The government is being run by a bunch of clowns and we are going to paying off the country's debt for the next decade.

As I have mentioned before the government believes that a family of 4 can live on £230 a week, our current rent and bills in the Shelter are £110.25 then with our petrol at £70 a week and a basic food shop a week being £100, we are paying out a total of £280.25 a week before we look at paying for our life insurance which is £60 a month, car tax, insurance, clothes and little extras. My husband basic wage is £341 a week (bring home) and then on top of that we have £125 a month Child Benefit and £140 a month Working Tax Credit.

So all in all we have a monthly income of £1629 and our basic outgoings which out insurances, clothes etc is £1161.25, then our insurances etc is £190 equally £1351.25 a month, the other money left over goes towards our mobile phone bills of £100 (we don't have a house phone a present) and our gas and old house phone bill. So we don't have anything left at the end of the month for clothes etc.

So if we were not in the Shelter we would not have enough money to cover the bills. I refuse to cancel Life Insurance, we don't have our Pension and if something happens to Steve and I at least I can say I did not leave my children broke. This is important to me!

So at the weekend I am selling some of my jewerlley, as gold is being brought at a good price at the moment. I have my enternal ring, engagement and some other bits which are worth something. They are all sentimental bits but I cannot afford to be sentimental at the moment, trying to get some money in from me is more important and getting us back on our own 2 feet.

We can also replace them when we can afford to!

The rest of the day goes by unnoticed. The WII Fit isn't working as the batteries have gone and we have no spares, the internet was down, so early to bed.

See ya tomorrow